Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics was established as a specialized unit at ACDS in 2001 at inception. The Department was initially part of comprehensive clinic located at the old campus location at Mercury Lines, Trimulgherry, Secunderabad prior to moving into the spacious current location in May 2003. Primary goal of the Department is prevention, diagnosis and conservative treatment of dental caries and diseases and defects of natural teeth. It aims at restoring the teeth to proper form, function and esthetics using the latest techniques, materials and procedures in a pleasing manner with as little loss of the healthy tooth structure as possible. Conservative Dentistry is the branch of dentistry which is concerned with the conservation of teeth in the mouth. It embraces the practice of direct and indirect restorations of individual teeth. Endodontics encompasses the study and practice of the basics and clinical sciences of normal dental pulp, its etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries of the dental pulp along with associated periradicular conditions. In layman terms, this branch can be called ‘tooth savers’, which works to retaining the tooth in the oral cavity through fillings and root canal treatment and additional work with ‘cosmetic dentistry’ which includes smile designing and tooth whitening. Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics at ACDS offers undergraduate as well as postgraduate teaching programs. The Department has an intake of forty undergraduates and three postgraduates every academic year. Conservative dentistry and Endodontics is taught at the undergraduate level in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years of training. Post graduate training started in the year 2009. MDS in Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics is a three year program. Purpose of the course is to provide advanced education in the subject to highly qualified graduate dentists who are interested in a career of specialized practice, teaching and research. It provides complete oral care with surgical procedures to relieve pain and elimination of infection at the root end of the teeth. It aims at conservative management like vital pulp therapies, regenerative pulpal procedures, treatment of traumatic injuries like sport assaults and road traffic accidents including avulsion injuries. Treatment is provided to the patients with utmost care and under proper guidance with a patient centric approach. It has state-of-the-art technology, dedicated teaching and non-teaching staff and infrastructure to render good services to patients. Because of the high quality of work delivered, the Department has a heavy footfall of patients travelling from far and near. Special Highlights The Department has a National presence and reputation with more than 50 publications, 20 best poster and paper presentations. It has hosted various CDE programmes and workshops. It also organised an International Conference. ACDS has its presence at various forums by virtue of being invited Keynote Speaker. The faculty has received national recognition from IACDE, by bagging an awards of honour “Academic Excellence Award 2018” “ Rising star” award in 2016.
NAME: Dr. Mamta KaushikDESIGNATION: Professor & HeadDEPARTMENT: Conservative Dentistry and EndodonticsEMAIL/CONTACT INFO:
ACHIEVEMENTS:1. Launch of National Clinical Registry for Root canal Anatomic Variations – at DCI IACDE meet on 24th March 2018 at Hyderabad2. Recipient for “Award of Honour” of IACDE 2018 for Academic Excellence.3. Hosted the IACDE Student Exchange Programme in August 2019 at Army College of Dental Sciences.4. Hosted the IACDE Student Exchange Programme in August 2018 at Army College of Dental Sciences.5. Initiator and Administrator of ‘National Clinical Registry for Variation in Root Canal Anatomy’ at the IACDE website launched in March 2018.www.iacde.in6. Founder Editor for the first newsletter, “Pins &Posts” of IACDE for the year 2016 & 2017. Re-elected for the same for another two-year term of 2018 & 2019.7. Academic Editor for Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research8. Editorial board member for Pharmacology and Biomedical Sciences : an International Journal9. Reviewer for Journal of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics10. Reviewer for European Journal of General Dentistry11. Reviewer for Endodontology12. Awarded “ Distinguished Teacher Award ” by ACDS on 5th Sept 201513. Editor for Journal of Army College of Dental Sciences14. Secretary of Ethics committee for Biomedical Research
ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS:1. Position Statement of IACDE for managing dental patients during COVID-19. Mazumdar P, Kaushik M, Chandrasekhar V, Mohan Kumar RS, Rajawat A. J Conserv Dent. 2020 Mar-Apr;23(2):114-120.2. Association of Hormonal Fingerprints and Dental Caries: A Pilot Study. Rajawat A, Majeti C, Podugu UK, Kaushik M, Nagamaheshwari X, Mehra N. J Conserv Dent. 2020;23(4):337-340.3. Comparing the Efficacy of Twin Mix and Lidocaine for Inferior Alveolar Nerve Blocks in Patients With Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis. Kaushik M, Mehra N, Sharma R, Moturi K, Podugu UK, George A. Anesth Prog. 2020 Dec 1;67(4):207-213.4. Effect of three different rotary file systems on dentinal crack formation – A stereomicroscopic analysis. Soujanya E, Verma N, Kaushik M, Nagamaheshwari X, Mehra N, Prasad LK. Endodontology 2020;32:220-4.5. Anatomical relationship between roots of maxillary posterior teeth and maxillary sinus using cone-beam computed tomography. Kaushik M, Kaushik P, Mehra N, Sharma R, Soujanya E, Kumar U. Endodontology 2020;32:124-9.6. Nanodentistry: Emphasizing applications in Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics. Verma N, Soujanya E, Kaushik M. 2020.7. Comparison of remineralizing effect of organic and inorganic fluoride by evaluation of microhardness and quantitative analysis of calcium and phosphorus ratio on enamel surface: An in vitro study. Karthik L Prasad, Khwaja Moinuddin MD, Nagamaheshwari X, Uday Kumar P, Shekar K, Kaushik M. Int J Dent Mater 2020; 2(3):75-81.8. A paradigm shift from traditional replacement to minimally invasive repair. A case series and literature review. Sugam kumar, Uday kumar podugu, Shradha suman rout, Pooja chauhan,Mamta kaushik, Pushpa, Priyanka badu. Journal of Army college of dental sciences, Jan-June 2020; 8(1):32-37.9. Endodontic management of mandibular molar with 5 canals-A case report. Neha chauhan, uday kumar podugu, lokam karthik Prasad, Mamta Kaushik. Journal of Army college of dental sciences, Jan-June 2020; 8(1):66-69.10. Evaluation of alpha-adrenomimetic agents for gingival retraction: A randomized crossover clinical trial. Mehra N, Rathi A, Sharma R, Kaushik M, Sood T. J Conserv Dent 2019;22:533-7.11. Spectrum of knowledge, confidence and intended behaviour among dental students and interns towards caries risk assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Paripex – Indian Journal of Research volume-8 (2); february-2019. Roshni Sharma, MamtaKaushik, Robin Singh, Neha Mehra.12. Comparative evaluation of effects of natural antioxidants on the shear bond strength of composte resin to bleached enamel. Rana R, Kaushik M, Sharma R,ReddyP,MehraN.Indian journal of Dental Research2019;30:112-6.13. Ever – stick post: Esthetic Transparent glass fibre post for efficient corono-radicular stabilization of compromised coronal tooth structure- Review. Dr Mamta Kaushik , Dr. Roshni Sharma, Dr. Soujanya, Dr. Neha mehra, Dr.MdAleemuddin. Heal Talk A Journal of Clinical Dentistry 2019.14. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of apical microleakage of different endodontic sealers. Vallari Jain, PrateekshaChowdhry, MamtaKaushik, RoshniRoshni, Neha Mehra. International journal of advanced research 2019;7(6):476-481.15. Clinical diagnostic methodS. Contributor for a chapter in Essentials of Endodontics, Vimal K Sikri (2nd Edition) 2019 – CBS Publishers.16. Effect of Different Periodontal Ligament Simulating Materials on the Incidence of Dentinal Cracks during Root Canal Preparation: An in vitro study. Rathi A, Chowdhary P, Kaushik M, Reddy P, Roshni Roshni, Mehra N.J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2018;12 (3):196-200.17. Management of a permanent maxillary first molar with unusual crown and root anatomy: a case report. Chowdhry P, Reddy P, Kaushik M. Restor Dent Endod. 2018 Aug;43 (3):e35.18. Clinical Management of Root Resorption: A Report of Three Cases. Mehra N, Yadav M, Kaushik M, et al.Cureus 10(8): e3215.19. Stress distribution in endodontically treated abfracted mandibular premolarrestored with different cements and crowns: Kaushik M, Kumar U, Sharma R, Mehra N, Rathi A. A three-dimensional finite element analysis. J Conserv Dent 2018;21: 557-61.20. Effect of premedicatioin with Ibuprofen and Meloxicam on the efficacy of inferior alveolar nerve block in irreversible pulpitis. Suman lamba, Udaya kumar palanyswami, Mamta kaushik, Pallavi Reddy, Pavan kumar. Journal of Medical Science and clinical research2018;6(5):1-6.21. Cone beam computed tomography as an aid in management of a rare case of anatomical variation in maxillary second molar with multiple root canals: A case study. Mona yadav, NehaMehra, MamataKaushik,Roshni. British journal of pharmaceutical and medical research2018;3(2):859-864.22. Local anaesthesia and inferior alveolar nerve block- A never ending saga. Mamtakaushik, Kishore Moturi. Journal of Pharmacology & clinical research.2018;5(1):1-4.23. “C” shaped root canal configuration in mandibular second molars: A case series. Vallari Jain, Pallavi Reddy, MamtaKaushik, Roshni, Neha. . Asian pacific journal of health sciences.2018; 5(1):28-30.24. Minimally invasive surgical approach in the management of comminuted crown-root fracture- A case report. Yadav M, Kaushik M, Sharma R, Chowdhry P. Journal of the west African college of surgeons 2017;7(4)25. Assessment of marginal integrity of proximal composite resin restorations performed with or without magnification. Pallavireddy, vallarijain, Mamtakaushik, roshni, Nehamehra,riturana, monayadav. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research 2017;11(12):ZC01-ZC04.26. Effect of Green Coffee Bean Extract on Streptococcus mutans Count: A Randomised Control Trial. Yadav M, Kaushik M, Roshni R, Reddy P, Mehra N, Jain V, Rana R.J ClinDiagn Res. 2017 May;11(5):ZC68-ZC71.27. Marginal Microleakage properties of Activa Bioactive restorative and nano hybrid composte resin using two different adhesives in non carious cervical lesions- an invitro study. Kaushik M, Yadav M. Journal of the west African college of surgeons 2017;7(2).28. A novel method to distinguish old composite from enamel: Spectrophotometric validation.Roshni Sharma, Subhrasahoo, Mamtakaushik,Pallavireddy, NehaMehra, Udaykumar. British journal of medicine & medical research 2017;19(4):1-10.29. Surgical repositioning of a pathologically displaced central incisor with a large cystic lesion. Udaykumarpalaniswamy, Mamta kaushik,Karminder Singh, Shikha Arya. Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences 2016;5: 226-9.30. Assessment of the Deleterious effects of therapeutic antitussives on enamel. Mapping the chemical profile of over the counter cough lozenges using analytical HPLC. Roshni Sharma, Mamta kaushik,Riturana, Pallavireddy, Nehamehra, Mona yadav, Vallarijain. British journal of medicine & medical research2016;18(6):1-8.31. The effect of coconut oil pulling on streptococcus mutans count in saliva in comparison with chlorhexidine mouthwash. Mamtakaushik,Pallavireddy, Roshni,Poojadameshi,Nehamehra, Adityamarwaha. The Journal of contemporary dental practice,January 2016;17(1);38-41.32. Regenerative endodontics- creating new horizons. HarnoorDhillon, Mamtakaushik,Roshni Sharma. Journal of biomedical materials research 2016;104B:676-685.33. Coronal leakage of provisional restorative materials used in endodontics with and without intracanal medication after exposure to human saliva. Udaykumar,Mamtakaushik, NehaPrashar, Shikhaarya. Saudi Endodontic Journal2016;6:77-81.34. A comparative evaluation of remineralizinng ability of bioactive glass and amorphous calcium phosphate casein phosphhopeptide on early enamel lesion. Udayakumar, Nehaprshar, Mamtakaushik, surrender ram lakkam, Shikhaarya, Swethapebbeti. Dental Research Journal2016;13:297-302.35. A SEM evaluation of smear layer removal using two rotary instrument systems with EDTA and vinegar as a root canal irrigant. Udayakumar, Mamtakaushik, surrender ram lakkam, Nehaprshar, Shikhaarya, Srikanthpasari. Journal of Restorative dentistry 2016;4:17-21.36. To evaluate the effect of sealers and time of post space preparation on apical microleakage. Poojaudameshi, pallavipathak, Mamtakaushik, pallavireddy, Roshni, NehaMehra. The Journal of Army College of Dental Sciences2015;3(2):52-56.37. To compare the effects of different irrigation techniques on interappointment medicament removal. An in vitro comparative evaluation using scanning electron microscope. Kitusheoran, NehaMehra, Mamtakaushik, pallavireddy, Roshni. The Journal of Army College of Dental Sciences2015;3(2):46-51.38. Comparison of the effect of three different irrigants on the contact angle of an epoxy resin sealer with intraradicular dentin. Mamtakaushik, Kitusheoran, pallavireddy, Roshni,Poonamnarwal. Saudi Endodontic Journal2015;5:166-70.39. Interdisciplinary management of crown root fracture in the anterior esthetic zone. Sagardahiya, Prasad chitra, Mamtakaushik.Journal of Research and Advancements in Dentistry 2015;4(2):220-224.40. Comparative evaluation of voids present in conventional and capsulated glass ionomer cements using two different conditioners: An invitro study. Mamtakaushik, Roshni Sharma, Pallavireddy, Pallavipathak, Poojaudameshi, Narmatha. International journal of biomaterials2014(2014),Article ID 935240,5 pages.41. C- shaped root canal configuration in maxillary first molar. Mamtakaushik,sonalsingh, Kunjalmistry, zarnasanghvi. The Journal of Ahmedabad Dental College and Hospital2014;4(2):73-75.42. A report of three independent mesial canals in the mesial root of a mandibular second molar. Shilpa Reddy, Mamtakaushik, YellammaBai, Pavankumar. MRIMS Journal of Health Sciences2013;1(2):69-72.43. Antibiotic prescribing habits of dental surgeons in Hyderabad city, India, for pulpal and periapical pathologies: A survey. Pavankumar, Mamtakaushik, Udaykumar, Shilpareddy, Nehaprashar. Advances in Pharmacological sciences 2013(2013)Article ID 537385,4 pages.44. Maxillary first molars with six canals diagnosed with the aid of cone beam computed tomopgraphy: A report of two cases. Mamtakaushik, NehaMehra. Case Reports in Dentistry2013,Article ID 406923, 6pages45. Reattachment of anterior tooth fragments using fibre reinforced post. Sumanlamba, udaykumar, mamtakaushik, pavankumar, pallavireddy. The Journal of Army College of Dental Sciences.2013;1(1):51-53.46. Tooth Bleaching : An Update. Udaykumar, Mamtakaushik, pavankumar, pallavireddy, poonamnarwar. The Journal of Army College of Dental Sciences.2013;1(1):16-24.47. To compare the efficacy of obturation with three different techniques using cone beam computed tomography – An invitro study. Pavankumar, Mamtakaushik, kitusheoran.DentalFollice- The E-Journal of Dentistry. 2013;VIII(2):28-32.48. Management of crown root fracture by root extrusion- A case Report. Mamtakaushik, Udayakumar, Pavankumar. IDA Journal of Mahabubnagar.2010;3(1):51-55.49. Periodontal aspects in restorative procedures- An overview. Mamtakaushik, Kishore moturi, Chaitanyakumarreddy. Deccan dental Journal.2010;32-34.
NAME: Dr. Soujanya.EDESIGNATION: ReaderDEPARTMENT: Conservative Dentistry & EndodonticsEMAIL/CONTACT INFO:
CURRENT ACADEMIC ROLE & RESPONSIBILITIES:1. Deputy editor of Journal of ACDS2. Member of organizing team of various CDE programmes & Conferences3. Ethical committee co-ordinator4. Department NAAC co-ordinator5. Examiner for UG & PG University exams6. Incharge for III BDS Students7. Pg guide8. Guiding PG’s with their LD and short studies9. Guiding UG students in poster presentation and article writing10. Taking theory classes for II,III & IV BDS11. Supervise UG and PG students in the clinic12. Member of various College boards
ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS1. Extensive external localized idiopathic root resorption – An unusual case report. Aravelli S, Soujanya E, Chandrasekhar V. J Conserv Dent 2019;22:500-2.2. Lasers in Operative Dentistry. E soujanya, Neha verma, Ichita Joshi, Chandrakanth Majeti. Journal of Army College of Dental Sciences2020; 8(1):18-26.3. Anatomic Endodontic technology: Listen to the needs of the tooth. E.Soujanya, Chandrakanth majeti. J Dent Probl Solut 2020;7(1): 056-058.4. Amelogenesis Imperfect with Nephrocalcinosis: A Rare Association in Siblings.Pramod Reddy, Swathi Aravelli, Soujanya Goud, Loka Malathi. Cureus 2019;11(7):e5060.5. Ever – stick post: Esthetic Transparent glass fibre post for efficient corono-radicular stabilization of compromised coronal tooth structure- Review. Dr. Mamta kaushik, Dr.Roshni Sharma, Dr. Soujanya, Dr. Neha Mehra, Dr. Mohammad Aleemuddin. Heal Talk A Journal of Clinical Dentistry 20196. Comparative Evaluation of the Antibacterial Efficacy of Aloe Vera, 3% Sodium Hypochlorite, and 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate Against Enterococcus faecalis: An In Vitro Study. Soujanya Goud , Swathi Aravelli , Savitri Dronamraju , Gayathri Cherukuri , Pradeep Morishetty. Cureus 2018; 10(10): e3480.1-10.7. Evaluation of tensile bond strength and hybrid layer of newer Generation adhesive with single and multiple consecutive Applications- an in-vitro study. Aravelli Swathi, C.S.Soonu, T.Jayaprakash, Veeramachaneni Chandrasekhar, Soujanya E, Apoorva K. International Journal Of Scientific Research 2018;7(1):311-313.8. An In-vitro Comparative Study of Shear Bond Strength of Composite Resin to Bleached Enamel using three Herbal Antioxidants. Pratapkumar Mukka, Nanda kumar Komineni, Sambashivarao Pola, ESoujanya, Anandramtheerth karne, Bhasker Nenavath, SandeepShiva, Pallavi Vuppunuthula.Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Oct, Vol-10(10): ZC89-ZC929. Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of QMixTM 2 in 1, sodium hypochlorite, and chlorhexidine against Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans. Soujanya Elakanti, Gayathri Cherukuri , Venkateswara G Rao, Veeramachaneni Chandrasekhar, Anitha S Rao, Muralidhar Tummala. Journal of Conservative Dentistry 2015;18(2):128-13110. Endodontic microsurgery: An overview. Sumangali Ananad, E. soujanya, Ananda Raju, Aravelli Swathi. Dentistry and medical research 2015;3(2):31-7.11. Reattachment of coronal fragment using fiber reinforced post. Qureshi A, Kumar P, Rao PS, Soujanya E, Ramtheerth A. International Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015; 4(1) 661-665.12. Recent Advances in Pulp Capping Materials: An Overview. AsmaQureshi, SoujanyaE, Nandakumar, Pratapkumar, Sambashivarao.Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 ;8(1): 316-32113. Dentinal Microcracks After Root Canal Preparation” A Comparative Evaluation with Hand, Rotary and Reciprocating Instrumentation.N. Tulasi Priya, Veeramachaneni Chandrasekhar Chandrasekhar, s. Anita, Muralid¬har Tummala, T.B. Phanidhar Raj, Vijetha Badami, Pradeepkumar, E.Soujanya. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 ;8(12): 70-72.14. Hybrid Layer- Artificial Enamel: An Overview. M.Pratap kumar, P.SambashivaRao, Soujanya.E,Asma Qureshi. Journal of Contemporary Orofacial Health & Research. 2014;1(1)p 40-42.15. Review article: Nanodentistry-New buzz in dentistry. Madhurima Mikkilineni, Anitha S. Rao, Muralidhar Tummala, Soujanya Elkanti European Journal of General Dentistry | Vol 2 | Issue 2 | (May-August 2013)109-113.16. Review: Cone Beam Computed Tomography – An insight beyond eyesight in clinical dentistry. Guttikonda Venkateswara rao, S. Anita Rao, Mallika Mahalaxmi, Soujanya.E. Innovative Journal of Medical & Health Science 2:5 Sep-Oct (2012) 74-80.17. Mineral Trioxide Aggregate in Endodontics – A review of the literature Dr. Sumangali Anand, Dr. C.S.Soonu, Dr. Soujanya. Dental Chronicle V-3, I-2, April-June 2011.
ACHIEVEMENTS1. Delivered lecture as a part of IACDE student exchange programme @ACDS-30thAug 2019
NAME: Dr. Neha MehraDESIGNATION: ReaderDEPARTMENT: Conservative Dentistry & EndodonticsEMAIL/CONTACT INFO:
CURRENT ACADEMIC ROLE & RESPONSIBILITIES:1. Associate editor of Journal of ACDS2. Member of Analytical team of National Clinical registry on Anatomical Variations of IACDE3. Faculty In-charge for III BDS Students4. PG Guide5. Guiding PG’s with their LD and short studies6. Supervise PG students in the clinical work7. Guiding UG students in Clinical work8. Taking theory classes for II,III & IV BDS9. Member of various College boardsSUBJECTS CURRENTLY TEACHING:
PUBLICATIONS1. Evaluation of alpha-adrenomimetic agents for gingival retraction: A Randomized Crossover Clinical Trial. Mehra N, Rathi A, Sharma R, Kaushik M, Sood T. J Conserv Dent 2019;22:533-7.2. Comparative evaluation of effects of natural antioxidants on the shear bond strength of composite resin to bleached enamel. Rana R, Kaushik M, Sharma R, Reddy P, Mehra N. Indian journal of Dental Research 2019, 30: 112-6.3. Spectrum of knowledge, confidence and intended behaviour among dental students and interns towards caries risk assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Roshni Sharma, Mamta Kaushik, Robin Singh, Neha Mehra. Paripex – Indian Journal of Research volume-8 (2); february-20194. Ever – stick post: Esthetic Transparent glass fibre post for efficient corono-radicular stabilization of compromised coronal tooth structure- Review. Dr Mamta Kaushik , Dr. Roshni Sharma, Dr. Soujanya, Dr. Neha mehra, Dr.Md AleemuddinHeal Talk A Journal of Clinical Dentistry 20195. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of apical microleakage of different endodontic sealers. Vallari Jain, Prateeksha Chowdhry, Mamta Kaushik, Roshni Roshni, Neha Mehra. International journal of advanced research 2019;7(6):476-4816. Influence of Different Periodontal Ligament Simulating Materials on the Incidence of Dentinal Cracks during Root Canal Preparation: An in vitro study. Rathi A, Chowdhary P, Kaushik M, Reddy P, Roshni Roshni, Mehra N. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2018; 12(3):196-200.7. Stress distribution in endodontically treated abfracted mandibular premolarrestored with different cements and crowns: A three-dimensional finite element analysis. Kaushik M, Kumar U, Sharma R, Mehra N, Rathi A. J Conserv Dent 2018;21:557-618. Clinical Management of Root Resorption: A Report of Three Cases. Mehra N, Yadav M, Kaushik M, et al. Cureus 2018, 10(8): e3215. DOI 10.7759/cureus.3219. Cone Beam Computed Tomography As An Aid In Management Of A Rare Case Of Anatomical Variation In Maxillary Second Molar With Multiple Root Canals: A Case Study. Mona Yadav, Neha Mehra, Mamta Kaushik, Roshni. British Journal of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research 2018; 3(2):859-864.10. “C”- shaped root canal configuration in mandibular second molars: A case series. Vallari Jain, Pallavi Reddy, Mamta Kaushik, Roshni, Neha et al Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences. 2018; 5 (1): 28-30.11. Assessment of Marginal Integrity of proximal Composite Resin Restorations performed with or without Magnification. Pallavi Reddy , Vallari Jain, Mamta Kaushik, Roshni, Neha Mehra, Ritu Rana, Mona Yadav et al. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017; 11(12): 1-4.12. Effect of Green Coffee Bean Extract on Streptococcus Mutans Count: A Randomised Control Trial. Yadav M, Kaushik M, Roshni R, Reddy P, Mehra N, Jain V et al. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017; 11: 68-71.13. A Novel Method to Distinguish Old Composite from Enamel: Spectrophotometric Validation. Sharma R , Sahoo S, Kaushik M, Reddy P, Mehra N, Kumar U; British Journal of Medicine And Medical Research. 2017; 19(4):1-10.14. Assessment of the deleterious effects of therapeutic Anti-tussives on enamel. Mapping the chemical profile of over the counter cough lozenges using analytical HPLC. Sharma R , Kaushik M, Rana R, Reddy P, Mehra N, Yadav M et al. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. 2016;18 (6):1-8.15. The Effect of Coconut Oil Pulling on Streptococcus mutans Count in Saliva in Comparison with Chlorhexidine Mouthwash. Kaushik M, Reddy P, Roshni, Udameshi P, Mehra N, Marwaha A. The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice. 2016;17:38-41.16. To evaluate the effect of sealers and time of post space prepapration on apical microleakage. Pooja Udameshi, Pallavi Pathak, Mamta Kaushik, Pallavi Reddy, Roshni, Neha Mehra. The Journal of Army College of Dental Sciences. 2015; 52-5617. To Compare the effects of different Irrigation Techniques on inter-appointment medicament removal: An in vitro comparative evaluation using Scanning Electron microscope. Kitu Sheoran, Neha Mehra, Mamta Kaushik, Pallavi Reddy, Roshni. The Journal of Army College of Dental Sciences. 2015. 46- 5118. Maxillary First Molars with Six Canals Diagnosed with the Aid of Cone Beam Computed Tomography: A Report of Two Cases. Kaushik M, Mehra N. Case Reports in Dentistry. 2013; 1-6.
SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENTS1. Awarded the Best Scientific Oral Presentation in Delegate Category, titled, “Root and canal morphology of Maxillary First and Second Premolars in Indian population” at 33rd IACDE National Conference at Vijayawada on 16th – 18th November 2018.2. Awarded with Medal and Certificate at the National PG Convention for Christening the Association News Letter “Pins and Posts” on 1 April 2016.3. Winner of the “Rising Star” Award at the 31st IACDE & 24th IES National Conference, Kolkata on 23rd November 2016, as Association.4. Appointed as the Associate Editor to the IACDE Newsletter “Pins and Posts” from November 2016 till November 2019.5. Member of Analytical and Assessment Team of, “Clinical Registry of Variations in Root Canal Anatomy
NAME: Dr. X. NagamaheshwariDESIGNATION: Assistant ProfessorDEPARTMENT: Conservative Dentistry & EndodonticsEMAIL/CONTACT INFO:
CURRENT ACADEMIC ROLE & RESPONSIBILITIES:1. Reviewer of Journal of ACDS2. Member of organizing team of various CDE programmes & Conferences3. Examiner for UG & PG University exams4. Incharge for Final year BDS Students5. NEET Incharge for Interns6. Pg Co-guide7. Guiding PG’s with their short studies8. Guiding UG students in poster presentation and article writing9. Taking theory classes for II,III & IV BDS10. Supervise UG and PG students in the clinic11. Member of various College boardsSUBJECTS CURRENTLY TEACHING:
ACHIEVEMENTS/ ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS:ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS1. Comparsion of remineralizing effect of organic and inorganic fluroride by evaluation of micro hardness and quantitative analysis of calcvium and phosphorus ratio on enamel surface :an invitro study. Int J Dent Mater 2020;2(3):75-81. Lokam Karthik Prasad1Khwaja Moinuddin MD1, Nagamaheshwari X1, Uday Kumar P, Shekar K1, Mamta Kaushik12. Comparative evaluation of the antimicrobial efficacy of calcium hydroxide- chlorhexidine combination with the addition of Curcuma longa or retinoic acid – an in vitro study.Manipal Journal of Dental Sciences.2017;2 (1):6-10. X.Nagamaheshwari 1 . , Ravichandra .C 2 ,Shekar K 3 , Binoy 43. Minimum Access for Maximum Success.Annals of International Medical and Dental Research.2017;3(4):1-5.Neha S 1 , Nagamaheshwari .X 2, Ravichandra .C 3 ,Shekar K 4 , Sindhura G 5 ,Smitha R 6 .4. Influence of Diode Laser on the bond strength of self etching adhesive sysytems of human dentine :An in vitro study.Contemporary Clinical Dentistry. 2019;10(2):338 343.NimeshikaRamachandruni 1 , KhwajaMoinuddin 1, R Smitha 1 , X. NagaMaheshwari 1 , T V S Harish Kumar.
NAME: Dr. Alvin George DESIGNATION: Senior lecturerDEPARTMENT: Conservative Dentistry and EndodonticsEMAIL/CONTACT INFO:
CURRENT ACADEMIC ROLE & RESPONSIBILITIES:1. Incharge for Theory and Practical for 2nd BDS students2. Incharge for NEET Coaching classes for interns
Comparing the Efficacy of Twin mix and Lidocaine on Inferior Alveolar Nerve Blocks in Patients with Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis – Kaushik M, Mehra N, Sharma R, Moturi K, Podugu UK, George A. Comparing the Efficacy of Twin Mix and Lidocaine for Inferior Alveolar Nerve Blocks in Patients With Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis. Anesth Prog. 2020 Dec 1; 67(4):207-213.
Session best scientific poster presentations on “A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Duration and Effectiveness of Twin Mix on Pulpal Anaesthesia for Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block” 32nd IACDE & 25th IES National Confrence, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 2017 and on “Minimal INVASIVE Esthetics – case Report!!- 3rd ACDI Conference 18th -20th Apr 2017, Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre, Hyderabad.
1. Poster presentation on “we know the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth!! – 19th IACDE – IES National PG Convention, Gulbarga, Karnataka 15th to 18th February 2018
2. Poster presentation on “A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Duration and Effectiveness of Twin Mix on Pulpal Anaesthesia for Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block” 32nd IACDE & 25th IES National Confrence, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 2017.
3. Poster presentation on ‘’ Minimal INVASIVE Esthetics – case Report!! – IACDE 1ST Zonal Conference (South), Chennai 10th and 11th August 2018.
4. Poster presentation on “Minimal INVASIVE Esthetics – case Report!!- 3rd ACDI Conference 18th -20th Apr 2017, Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre,
5. Poster presentation on “Smear Layer Removal with Agitron: A SEM Study” – Oral Healthcare Innovation Conference 16th Sep 2019, AIIMS, Delhi
6. Paper presentation on “A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Duration and Effectiveness of Twin Mix on Pulpal Anaesthesia for Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block” – Endocon-2017, Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics Specialty Convention, 5th & 6th August 2017, Gitam Dental College & Hospital, Vishakhapatnam
7. Paper presentation on “Smear Layer Removal with Agitron: A SEM Study” 20th National PG Convention, Chandigarh 7th to 10th March 2019
NAME: Dr. Neha Verma DESIGNATION: Senior lecturerDEPARTMENT: Conservative Dentistry and EndodonticsEMAIL/CONTACT INFO:
CURRENT ACADEMIC ROLE & RESPONSIBILITIES: 1) Incharge for Theory and Practical for 2nd BDS students 2) Incharge for NEET Coaching classes for interns 3) Taking theory classes for UG students 4) Member of various College boards
1. Soujanya E, Verma N, Kaushik M, Nagamaheshwari X, Mehra N, Prasad LK. Effect of three different rotary file systems on dentinal crack formation–A stereomicroscopic analysis. Endodontology. 2020 ; 32(4):220. 2. Soujanya E, Verma N, Joshi I and Majeti C. Lasers in Operative dentistry. The Journal of Army College of Dental Sciences. 2020; 1(1): 17-25 3. Verma N, Soujanya E, Mamta Kaushik (2020). Nanodentistry: emphasizing applications in restorative dentistry and endodontics. Mahi publications.
1. IACDE student exchange program 27th – 30th Aug 2018 2. Lecture and demonstration on Contacts and Contours for Posterior Composites on 17th Jan 2019, Army College of Dental Sciences, Secunderabad. 3. 3rd ACDI Conference on 18th -20th Jan 2019, Hyderabad. 4. IACDE student exchange program 27th – 30th Aug 2019 5. Cons-Endo Kaliedoscope: A Virtual Conference 2020, 19-20 Oct 2020; ACDS, Secunderabad India
I. SCIENTIFIC POSTER PRESENTATION / SCIENTIFIC PAPER PRESENTATION: SCIENTIFIC POSTER PRESENTATION:- 1. Poster on Caries Detection and Excavation, 1 st IACDE Zonal Conference (South); August 10th & 11th 2018, Chennai. 2. Poster on Cracking the Crack Tooth, 5th Telangana State Dental Conference; December 1st & 2nd 2018, Hyderabad. 3. Poster on “Avatars of maxillary central incisior” - Cons-Endo Kaliedoscope: A Virtual Conference 2020, ACDS Secunderabad India. II. SCIENTIFIC PAPER PRESENTATION: - 1. Paper on “Effect of Three Different Rotary File Systems on Dentinal Crack Formation – A Stereomicroscopic Analysis” , 20th IACDE PG Convention, Panchkula, Chandigarh, 8th – 10th March 2019 2. Paper on “Analysis of the Mental Foramen and Inferior Alveolar Canal pattern: A Retrospective CBCT Study” , 2 nd IACDE Zonal Conference (East,) Raipur; 2nd -4 th August 2019
NAME: Dr. Yesha YadavDESIGNATION: Senior LecturerDEPARTMENT: Conservative Dentistry & EndodonticsEMAIL/CONTACT
Duties : 1. Supervise UG and PG students in clinicals. 2. Takes theory classes for lll yrs 3. Incharge of theory and practicals for 2nd yr BDS students. 4.member of various college boards.
PUBLICATIONS: 1. Mishra P, Singh S, Singh CV, Bansal R, Yadav Y. Endodontic Management of Type V Canal Configuration in Palatal Root of Maxillary First Molar: A Case Report. Oral Rehabilitation. 2021 Jan;12(1):38. 2. Four pillars of a maxillary first molar: A case report of a rare configuration with two palatal roots: Ijdsir 2022 April;(2)403-407 3. Gautam N, Kushwaha A, Chandak A, Yadav Y, Upadhyay S. Oral Health Status among Children between the Ages of 12 and 15 Attending Government and Private School Systems in Bareilly City. J Dental Health Oral Res. 2022;3(2):1-1. 4. Books authorized- a-Rotary in endodontics: recent advancements in endodontics. 2022 Lalit Agarwal, Tapan Mandal, Yesha Yadav b-An insight to conservative access cavity designs: pros and cons: Trends in access cavity 2022: Yesha Yadav, Lalit Agarwal, Saurav Ba
NAME: Dr. Avadesh Kumar Mourya DESIGNATION: Junior lecturerDEPARTMENT: Conservative Dentistry and EndodonticsEMAIL/CONTACT INFO:
CURRENT ACADEMIC ROLE & RESPONSIBILITIES:1. Member of different College boards2. Supervise UG students in the clinic
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodonticsat Army College of Dental Sciences, Secunderabad is equipped with:
NAME: Dr. Tripti Rathore BDS – Saraswati Dental College, Lucknow YEAR OF JOINING - 2021 Best Poster at 22nd IACDE National PG Convention
NAME: Dr. Simran Kaur BDS – DAV © Dental College, Yamunanagar, Haryana YEAR OF JOINING - 2021 Best Poster at 22nd IACDE National PG Convention
NAME: Dr. Sadhana Majhi Academic qualifications - BDS from Kamineni Institute Of Dental Sciences YEAR OF JOINING - 2021 Email / contact info -
ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS/ ACHIEVEMENTS:1. Chauhan N, Podugu UK, Prasad LK and Kaushik M. Endodontic Management of Mandibular First Molar with Five Root Canals. Journal of Army College of Dental Sciences. 2020; 8(1):66-69.2. Bhogte S.A, Chauhan N. Burning Mouth Syndrome: A Review. Journal of Army College of Dental Sciences. 2020; 8(1): 6-10.
NAME: Dr. Vishnu RajDEPARTMENT: Conservative Dentistry and EndodonticsYEAR OF JOINING: 27 JULY 2020
Treatments performed in the department are:• Amalgam restorations• Composite restorations• GIC restorations• Pulp capping procedures• Root canal treatment• Treatment of various anomalies of teeth• Reattachment procedure• Surgical retrieval of broken instruments• Retreatment of failed root canal treatment• Regenerative endodontic procedures• Apexification&Apexogenesis• Post and core• Bleaching• All esthetic dental procedures including veneers and crowns• Minor surgical procedures such as hemisection, radisection• Surgical procedures such as apicoectomy
Lab procedures performed in the department are:• Cast metal restorations – Inlay and onlay fabrication• Cast post and core• Metallic and ceramic crown castings• Veneers
3rd Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry India International Conference from 17th – 20th Jan 2019
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